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with Idena#

The sign-in with Idena function can be used on your website to determine the Idena user's address and its status. You can grant a user a certain privileges depending on their Idena status:

  • Undefined - not validated user
  • Candidate - candidate for the upcoming validation ceremony
  • Newbie - user validated 1 or 2 times
  • Verified - user validated at least 3 times
  • Human - user validated more than 3 times
  • Suspended - validated user missed the last validation
  • Zombie- validated user missed the two last validations

Sign-in with Idena protocol provides you a proof that user possesses a private key of their Idena address.

Your auth server should generate a random nonce which Idena app signs with users private key. Your auth server should follow the Sign-in with Idena protocol and check nonce the signature. You can find Auth server exmple here.

with Idena app URL#

You can authorise users either with Idena Web App or Idena Desktop App:

1. Sign-in URL for Idena Web App (recommended)#

It's recommended to use Idena Web App as a default method for users authorization. Users who have no Idena account in the browser can use the Idena Desktop App by clicking Open in Idena app link below:


URL example for signing in with Idena Web App:

2. Sign-in URL for Idena Desktop App#

The Idena Desktop App pops up automatically when the user clicks dna://signin/... URL (see more about Idena app URL scheme).

URL example for signing in with Idena Desktop App:


with Idena protocol#

  1. The following dialog appears automatically in Idena App:


  1. When the user clicks the Confirm button specific endpoints will be called on your auth server:
  • nonce_endpoint is called to fetch the random nonce generated by your auth server
  • Then Idena app signs the nonce automatically
  • authentication_endpoint is called by Idena app to provide the nonce signature for your auth server
  1. At the end the callback_url will be opened in the user's browser


As a result your user's Idena address will be known to your server. You can check the validation state of the user's address using the API or the Idena node RPC to grant privileges to the user on your website.

signin app URL example#

URL example for signing in with the Idena public address:

  1. token: GUID string (can be generated in the client's browser).

  2. nonce_endpoint: specifies url for the POST method to get a random nonce from the website server.

Successful response with a random nonce has to be provided. Nonce must have signin- prefix. See example POST /start-session method below.

  1. authentication_endpoint: specifies url for the POST method for the authentication.

Successful response with authenticated flag has to be provided. See example POST /authenticate method below.

  1. callback_url: specifies url that will be opened in the client's browser automatically after successful authentication.

  2. favicon_url: specifies custom url for the icon displayed for user in the Idena app (optional parameter).

POST /start-session method#

Request body example:

"token": "428489af-3ca1-4861-b1c7-5f634f6466e2",
"address": "0xFf893698faC953dBbCdC3276e8aD13ed3267fB06"

Successful response example:

"success": true,
"data": {
"nonce": "signin-0652c409-17ef-4ad6-b580-3faaefcc204d"

Nonce provided in the response data must have signin- prefix.

Fail response example:

"success": false,
"error": "This is a error message"

POST /authenticate method#

Request body example:

"token": "428489af-3ca1-4861-b1c7-5f634f6466e2",
"signature": "0xe0434ea8ff5123a570b6b7e5f1b837af4524372d4552021bfcede66219abe00c

Successful response must be returned if user's address is equal to address derived from the signature (e.g. function signatureAddress to get address from the nonce signature). Ethereum utils can be used for signature verification as following:

import {
} from 'ethereumjs-util'
const nonce = 'signin-0652c409-17ef-4ad6-b580-3faaefcc204d'
const signature = '0xe0434ea8ff...'
const nonceHash = keccak256(keccak256(Buffer.from(nonce, 'utf-8'))
// nonceHash = [66 67 192 202 176 90 98 74 227 105 104 190 23 230 249 49
// 18 228 90 68 91 187 217 203 235 31 142 216 170 106 51 103]
// or 0x4243c0cab05a624ae36968be17e6f93112e45a445bbbd9cbeb1f8ed8aa6a3367
const {v, r, s} = fromRpcSig(signature)
// v = 28
// r = [224 67 78 168 255 81 35 165 112 182 183 229 241 184 55 175
// 69 36 55 45 69 82 2 27 252 237 230 98 25 171 224 12]
// or 0xe0434ea8ff5123a570b6b7e5f1b837af4524372d4552021bfcede66219abe00c
// s = [55 106 140 132 23 41 155 226 57 56 185 100 75 169 34 255 211
// 107 187 221 28 223 21 113 157 169 178 175 154 255 222 198]
// or 0x376a8c8417299be23938b9644ba922ffd36bbbdd1cdf15719da9b2af9affdec6
const pubKey = ecrecover(nonceHash, v, r, s)
// [104 195 68 18 145 186 221 100 156 89 197 34 219 60 124 28 74 241 86 219 81
0 252 0 196 246 79 96 197 29 60 3 28 252 139 19 129 58 97 237 192 165 118 174
182 186 69 1 38 212 194 86 203 103 164 137 3 190 135 111 164 219 210 101]
// or 0x68c3441291badd649c59c522db3c7c1c4af156db5100fc00c4f64f60c51d3c031cfc8b13813a6
// 1edc0a576aeb6ba450126d4c256cb67a48903be876fa4dbd265
const addrBuf = pubToAddress(pubKey)
// addrBuf = [83 234 239 254 48 93 154 211 143 109 177 4 205 227 212 130 42 96 191 77]
// or 0x53eaeffe305d9ad38f6db104cde3d4822a60bf4d
const addr = bufferToHex(addrBuf)
return addr

Successful response example:

"success": true,
"data": {
"authenticated": true

Failed authentication response example:

"success": true,
"data": {
"authenticated": false

Fail response example:

"success": false,
"error": "This is a error message"

Additional methods#

These methods are not used for the Idena authentication protocol.

GET /get-account method#

Request example:


Successful response example:

"success": true,
"data": {
"address": "0xFf893698faC953dBbCdC3276e8aD13ed3267fB06"

Fail response example:

"success": false,
"error": "This is a error message"

POST /logout method#

Request body example:

"token": "428489af-3ca1-4861-b1c7-5f634f6466e2",

Successful response example:

"success": true,
"data": {
"loggedout": true

Failed log out response example:

"success": true,
"data": {
"loggedout": false

Fail response example:

"success": false,
"error": "This is a error message"